This artwork is in the garden representing Switzerland in the International Peace Gardens.
The garden was dedicated on August 14, 1965 after 4 years in the making. The first contribution of the Swiss people of Utah to the International Peace Gardens consisted of a Swiss Chalet, a small creek and pond and a miniature resemblance of a mountain.
In response to a desire to improve the image of Switzerland, a master plan was developed, calling for the beautification and expansion of the Swiss Garden, including the construction of a replica, almost fifty feet high of Switzerland’s most famous mountain — the Matterhorn. Other improvement consisted of a new Swiss Chalet with granary, a rustic bridge, rock gardens, a flag pole, a variety of shrubs, trees, evergreens, plants and flowers, flanked on one side with a young forest of aspens and one the other side by a grove of pines.
Rocks for the rock gardens, steps and walks were hauled from the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon.