The Granary District Mural Grant Program provides grant awards for artists to create artwork that contributes to the beautification, diversification and economic vitality of the historic Granary District. The program will fund mural artwork that is vibrant and unique while also preserving the neighborhood’s historical character. The program shall provide grants for new mural artwork installed on exterior wall(s) of properties located within the designated RDA Granary District project area. Grant size will depend on proposed mural dimensions, based on a generalized cost of $30 per square foot (sqft) of mural artwork, up to a maximum award of $15,000 per mural. Because projects are limited to private property only, the artist must retain a written agreement between themselves and the property owner prior to applying. To view all of the grant program requirements, click here.
ELIGIBILITY – Open to all professional artists or artist-led teams who have retained a written agreement with a private property owner within the Granary District project area boundaries stating they have permission to execute a mural on their walls.
PROJECT BUDGET – up to $15,000
DEADLINE – Submissions are due by end of day Thursday, May 17, 2018. Grant funds may fund up to $150,000 worth of murals. Once the $150,000 grant funds have been exhausted, the program will end, so all artists are encouraged to apply early.
AVAILABLE WALLS – Property Owners will be responsible for their own artist selection process.